Testimonial from Jim Beardsley
I milk around 140 cows near Salem, Ohio. I have used the RECAL Boluses for several years and have had great success using them to get fresh and sick cows to eat. I have also used the RECAL Plus on show cows with great success.
Over the years I have fed several different probiotics in my TMR and never really felt like they did me much good, especially considering their cost. In September of 2018 my cows were not performing the way I thought they should. They weren’t showing heats, manure was very inconsistent, and milk production was down. Since I had great success with the RECAL Boluses and RECAL Plus I decided to check with Jamie Troxel of RECAL Microbials and see if he had any suggestions. Jamie came to my farm to see my operation first hand so that he could get a feel for what might be going on. Jamie told me about the RECAL probiotics and what he and Dr. G.W. Snider have done in research. He also told me that they have three different probiotics for dairy cows and explained each one. The reason for having three different products is because every farm is different and has different needs. Jamie then recommended that I start with the product called RECAL Pro. The RECAL Pro would cost less than $0.08/cow/day and I could pull my XP Yeast out to offset cost.
With milk prices where they have been, the last thing I wanted to do was add another expense. Jamie told me,” it’s not an expense if you see a return on your investment, no matter what the milk price is”, and he is right. He told me “Cows don’t LIE” and offered me a thirty-day free trial. He would give me enough product for thirty days and tell me what to watch for and what to expect. If at the end of thirty days I was not happy with the product, I paid absolutely nothing. If I liked the RECAL Pro, I paid for the product I used and we continued doing business together.
Since offers like that are scarce, I felt I didn’t have anything to lose. I started the RECAL Pro and in three days I was already seeing a difference. Intakes went up, manure got very consistent, I was seeing ripping heats, and milk was up. As time went on, I saw that my fresh cows transitioned better and in middle of December the cows were at 79# of milk with a 4.4% BF (2x milking). In all the years I have been milking cows I have never had that kind of test with that much milk. Even my nutritionist commented that my herd did the best job transitioning into this year’s corn silage of all her other clients.
I would highly recommend every dairy man or woman to contact Jamie at RECAL Microbials. Like he said, “Cows don’t LIE”.
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