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        The RECAL BOLUS is a patent pending product developed over a 20 year period and was originally started by a farmer from Indiana. Through on farm testing and the combined efforts of one of the top microbiologists and one of the top dairy veterinarians in this field, the RECAL product has become what it is today. It is a unique combination of various strains of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, and a specific type of concentrated yeast culture. It was designed to establish and rapidly expand a superior rumen population heavily weighted toward fiber digestion and to produce high levels of B-vitamins mainly vitamin B-12.

        All probiotics are not the same, there are hundreds of various strains and combinations. What is the most important thing you want for a fresh cow to do after she calves??? EAT AND DRINK!!!

        The RECAL BOLUS is a specially formulated bacterial package for individual cows. It was developed for use at freshening, off feed cows, sick cows, diarrhea cows, stomach upsets and times of stress. The RECAL BOLUS repopulates a cow's rumen and digestive tract with huge numbers of specific bacteria and quickly restores normal rumen function and boosts her immune system and, in particular, gets her to EAT!!! A sick cow will not get better if she doesn't EAT!!!

Manufactured by:
4758 W. 950 S.
Kewanna, IN. 46939
Distributed by:
RECAL Microbials
Jamie Troxel

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Manufactured by:
4758 W. 950 S.
Kewanna, IN 46939

Distributed by:
RECAL Microbials
Jamie Troxel

Scott Von Guten:
We started feeding RECAL PLUS because our corn silage had tested 6000 ppb of Vomitoxin and we were having more problems with breeding and herd health than normal.
We had been feeding...


Jeff Core
Keightly & Core Jerseys:

I first learned of RECAL PLUS the hard way at the 2012 World Dairy Expo when we found ourselves with 8 milk cows that didn't handle the trip very well. Luckily, Dr. G.W. Snider happened to be in our barn working with another cow. He instantly recommended RECAL boluses...


Nevin Hoover:
... When I starting feeding the RECAL PLUS my 21 day preg rate was 15%. Then my preg rate started climbing, even during the heat of last summer...


Todd Jones
Springbrook Farms:

... Since then we have put the whole herd on RECAL PLUS and it is doing exactly as advertised. We are getting much better utilization of feedstuffs then we had ever hoped for...


RECAL Microbials is a unique combination of probiotics, enzymes, and concentrated yeast culture for cattle, deer, horses, swine, poultry, sheep and goats. It was designed to improve overall health of the animals, aid in reducing stress, aid in improving digestion and also feed and mineral utilization.


"Farmers Working with Farmers"


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